Just how to Obtain Strolling in the Spirit | How do you identify the gift of the Holy Spirit



Strolling in the Holy Spirit


The following is a personal prophecy contacted a girl and has much good mentor in it. I encourage you all to read it as the Daddy made some very valid factors and utilized a great deal of scripture to support what He was showing her. It is my hope that the viewers of this just don't review it, but research it as well as apply it in their life. I would certainly appreciate any responses from people that learned something from it. How do you identify the gift of the Holy Spirit


The LORD saith:


I prefer you, all of you. You have actually been loyal up until now in the understanding that you understand, but often times you attempt and also have Me back your plans rather after that seeking My face and also letting My Spirit talk in your heart. My scripture talks on this,


Sayings 3:5 -6.


5 Count on the LORD with all your heart, And also lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, As well as He will guide [a] your paths.

How can I be led by the Spirit

It remains in your heart that I speak. It in your instinct that My Spirit speaks.


Not in your mind. You have a very driven mind. Constantly assuming and it's like a great dark stallion in the wild. It can lead others as well as it commands regard. Yet your mind requires to be broken in, your mind requires My self-control. You need to submit to My Spirit as well as allow My Word remain in your heart as well as guide you. I have made this really clear to you really commonly. Once more I make it clear via the pen of my prophet. Somebody that does not recognize you in all.


Proverbs 3:7.


7 Do not be sensible in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and also depart from evil.


Your knowledge is carnal and of the flesh and also from below typically. The enemies play area is the mind and also he has a terrific time with yours. One of his favored lies to you is that you are sensible, yet this scripture proclaims it is a transgression to assume you are wise.


Galatians 6:3.


3 For if any individual thinks himself to be something, when he is absolutely nothing, he deceives himself.


Paul my apostle wrote this under motivation form My Holy Spirit. Can you envision the humility that it took for him to write this? You see Paul knew the wisdom he shared was spiritual prize from above.


Jeremiah 9:23 -24 23 Hence says the LORD:.


" Let not the sensible male delight in his wisdom, Allow not the mighty man delight in his might, Neither let the abundant guy glory in his riches; 24 Yet let him who glories glory in this, That he recognizes and also recognizes Me, That I am the LORD, working out loving generosity, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," claims the LORD.


You need to understand me. You need to really know me. Few individuals put in the time to get to know me yet they glory in their own flesh, their might, their riches, their very own wisdom. Few individuals recognize me all right to chat with me like Moses did!


Jeremiah 9:12 -14.


12 That is the sensible male who may recognize this? As well as that is he to whom the mouth of the LORD has talked, that he may proclaim it? Why does the land perish as well as burn up like a wilderness, to ensure that nobody can travel through? 13 And the LORD said, "Because they have abandoned My law which I set before them, and have not followed My voice, nor strolled according to it, 14 but they have walked according to the determines of their very own hearts and also after the Baals, which their fathers showed them," Why is judgment coming on the earth? Because guy has forsaken my regulation!


Jeremiah 9:25 -26.


25 "Behold, the days are coming," says the LORD, "that I will punish all who are circumcised with the uncircumcised- 26 Egypt, Judah, Edom, the people of Ammon, Moab, and also all that remain in the farthest corners, who stay in the wild. For all these nations are uncircumcised, as well as all the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart.".


Destruction is coming!


However who can see it coming?


You need to recognize Me. You require to Me extra after that feeling in one's bones My Word in your mind. Eeven a parrot can recite bible but we understand the parrot does not live it!


Jeremiah 8:14.


14" Why do we sit still? Assemble yourselves, And also allow us enter the fortified cities, And allow us be quiet there. For the LORD our God has placed us to silence As well as offered us water of gall to consume alcohol, Due to the fact that we have actually sinned against the LORD.


You require to sit still in my existence, you need to meditate My Word and also let it sink kind you mind to your heart. You need to allow My Spirit trigger bible in your heart and also let your spirit determine that to your mind.


Romans 12:1 -3.


Romans 12.


Living Sacrifices to God.


1 I beseech you as a result, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you offer your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your affordable service. 2 And do not be satisfied this globe, yet be transformed by the restoring of your mind, that you may show what is that great as well as acceptable and also ideal will of God.


3 For I claim, via the poise offered to me, to everybody that is amongst you, not to think of himself a lot more very than he ought to assume, yet to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a procedure of faith.


Here are three actions:.


1. You need to torture on your own as well as lay your body, mind as well as spirit on my alter.


2. You need to check out scripture as well as meditate bible for as long that My Spirit plants it deep in your heart.


3. You need to allow that implanted Word change your thoughts and activities as well as convert your mind from a sensual carnal mind to the really mind of Christ.


Romans 11:34.


34" For who has known the mind of the LORD? Or that has become His counselor?".


You think that your offer Me but your run with a carnal mind and make flesh your stamina.


Jeremiah 17:5 -6 5 Thus states the LORD:.


" Cursed is the guy who count on male And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart leaves from the LORD. 6 For he will be like a bush in the desert, And shall not see when excellent comes, But shall occupy the dry areas in the wild, In a salt land which is not populated.


Your life is dry and also dry as well as you lack Living Water in your life.


Psalm 112:5 -6.


5 An excellent man offers graciously as well as provides; He will certainly lead his affairs with discretion. 6 Undoubtedly he will never be drunk; The righteous will certainly be in eternal remembrance.


That should you comply with and serve? Where should you guide your cash? Who is existing that is leveling!


Psalm 112:1 1 Appreciation the LORD!


Blessed is the male who fears the LORD, That thrills greatly in His rules.


Psalm 1:1 -3 1 Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the shocking, Nor stands in the course of sinners, Neither sits in the seat of the abusive; 2 But his delight remains in the regulation of the LORD, As well as in His legislation he practices meditation day and night. 3 He will resemble a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its period, Whose leaf likewise shall not perish; As well as whatever he does shall thrive.


Joshua 1:5 -7.


5 No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will certainly not leave you neither forsake you. 6 Be strong and also of great courage, for to this individuals you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I testified their daddies to provide. 7 Just be solid and very daring, that you may observe to do according to all the legislation which Moses My servant commanded you; do not transform from it to the right-hand man or to the left, that you might prosper wherever you go.


John 14:21.


21 He that has My commandments as well as maintains them, it is he that enjoys Me. And also he who likes Me will certainly be enjoyed by My Papa, and also I will certainly like him and manifest Myself to him.".


Do you get the point?


My Boy had fifty points he commanded His followers to keep. Read the 4 gospels and also discover them all and afterwards maintain them!


Adages 3:11 -12.


11 My boy, do not abhor the chastening of the LORD, Neither detest His improvement; 12 For whom the LORD enjoys He deals with, Just as a father the child in whom he delights.


If you pay to see a medical professional as well as he provides you medicine as well as advice, you take the medicine and his guidance and you pay him!


If you have an issue in legislation you approach a legal representative as well as seek his guidance and if you are sensible you take his suggestions.


Today, you have sought me as well as my advise and also I give you medication, words of God and also my advise is WALK IN IT!


Sayings 3:9 -10.


9 Honor the LORD with your properties, And also with the very first fruits of all your increase; 10 So your barns will certainly be loaded with plenty, And your vats will certainly overflow with new wine.


Therefore recognize me! Honor me with your prayers and your time in the Word. Give me the first hrs of your day, pray to me, review my Word as well as sow right into my kingdom.


Adages 3:13 -18.


13 Satisfied is the man who discovers wisdom, And the man that acquires understanding; 14 For her profits are far better than the revenues of silver, And her gain than fine gold. 15 She is extra priceless than rubies, And also all things you may want can not compare to her. 16 Size of days is in her right hand, In her left hand treasures as well as honor. 17 Her ways are means of pleasantness, And also all her courses are tranquility. 18 She is a tree of life to those who grab her, And also delighted are all who preserve her.
